Everyone uses facebook differently. You have your intermittent post-ers, your stalkers, your viewers, your everyday posters etc. I consider myself a viewer but this particular day I simply could not scroll past. A saw that a former classmate of mine from Gulph Road Elementary school, Quinton Nearon had posted the unthinkable: His seventeen year old daughter Taylor who had been diagnosed with Mast Cell Disease passed away. As a mother, a friend, a human, this was not only relatable but unimaginable.
Mast Cell Disease is a disorder where mast cells are abnormally increased in multiple organs including the bone marrow. Mast cells are the immune cells that are important in the body’s allergic responses. Taylor and her mother Tammy together created Super T’s Mast Cell Foundation 2015 to raise awareness and build a coalition of support for Taylor.
The power of social media is real. I could not stop thinking about Quinton and Tammy and simply clicked “comment” “How can I help?” That “reply” enabled me to reconnect with Quinton and get to know the Foundation and hear Taylor’s story of strength and courage to take this disease on. After meeting Taylor’s mom, I was all in. Octo has been a partner to the Super T’s Mast Cell Foundation from the start and enthusiastically signs on to participate in the Annual Superhero Showdown race every year.Octo is committed to supporting the Superhero Showdown race and is returning again this year as a sponsor. We have decided to put together a team and raise awareness and funds for an amazing cause and we need YOU. Please consider joining the OCTONATORS on October 5th for a 5k, 15k or a virtual race (to be completed in your own time). We have been training and dusted off our capes for another year.
Click here for more information on Super T’s and to sign up to become an OCTONATOR!
We would be honored to have you on our team!
Wendy Verna
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