Graduating college is an exciting time in a person’s life, but it can also be nerve-wracking. As college graduates search online for marketing roles, they often sort through a sea of sales positions. Marketing professionals can flourish in sales jobs, but it is important to remember that there are plenty of other options if you know where to look.
For example, many grads want to leverage their creativity. Creative marketing roles can look like content creators, copywriters, or graphic designers. Whereas project managers, business development, and brand managers must excel at communication and planning. Of course, there are plenty of crossovers — they are all marketing positions, after all!
One element that contributes to the glut of sales jobs is that employers aren’t using the correct keywords to find applicants. A copywriter, for example, isn’t just a talented writer. They should also have highly-developed communication skills, enjoy research, and quickly adapt to client needs or criticism. Keep an eye on Octo Design Group’s social media accounts as we explore the types personalities that lend themselves to marketing roles in the coming weeks.
If you have a recent graduate in your life that is overwhelmed about career options, please connect with us. We love sharing our decades of experience because it can make the job market seem like a less daunting place. Interested in booking an informational interview? Reach out to a member of our team today!
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